Rising energy prices by Anima Confindustria

Rising energy prices, Anima Confindustria: companies suffer from canceled orders and late payments.
President Marco Nocivelli: «Focus on energy efficiency and hydrogen, where our industry is at the forefront».
The extraordinary increase in energy prices continues to drive up the production costs of the mechanical industries and threatens to stifle the activities of hundreds of companies. The growth margins of one of the leading sectors of our industry are shrinking.
The general increase in prices particularly involves raw materials and capital goods, and the latest ISTAT report records an increase in producer prices of 2.8% on a monthly basis and 40.1% on an annual basis.
One possible way out of the tight energy-costs-inflation is that of energy efficiency, on which Italian industry has always been at the forefront: “We need to rethink the general scheme of supplying sources,” continues Nocivelli. “Our companies are at the forefront in maximizing efficiency and creating innovative supply chains, such as that of hydrogen”. «From the government to come, we ask for urgent measures – insists Nocivelli – to avoid the collapse of entire production sectors, crushed by continuous increases.
Exports become the key to resume the development path interrupted by the war and the energy crisis: “Despite the difficulties of the world context – concludes Nocivelli – Italian mechanics in the last year have remained stable on exports, maintaining the growth trend of 2021: we are convinced that exports can be a strategic tool for relaunching our sector, thanks to the prestige enjoyed by Italian mechanics all over the world».